Here's what our reviewers had to say...


Allie - 55 years

Overview: "While wearing it was a little bit clumsy and awkward, especially when wearing tighter clothes, I quickly became used to it and forgot about it.

However the largest part of the magnet kept falling off and I eventually lost it. I would still recommend it to others"

Symptoms which improved after:  a few days -  Hot sweats, brain fog, muscle pain.

Wore La Balance for 60 days.  


Sarah D - 46 years

Overview: "It's definitely worked, it's not a miracle cure all, but for the level of symptoms I was having, it's been far more effective than I could have predicted. My aim is to manage as well as I can without conventional HRT for as long as I can, agree I do feel that le Balance has alleviated, if not wholly resolved, the most problematic of symptoms at this stage in my personal menopausal journey sufficiently to help me achieve this aim"

Symptoms which improved after:  6-8 weeks -  "In particular night sweats have all but disappeared, from at least 4 times a week to a could of times a month if that. My anxiety is less, it's still present but it doesn't become debilitating, I'm generally able to recognise  I'm getting anxious but still mange whatever it is. Period pain is significantly less"

"I'm rarely not wearing La Balance."  

Angela B - 56 years

Overview: "Very easy to use and good results.Found the packaging attractive and easy to open. Clear instructions and easy to put into practice. It can be seen through some of my tight clothes, will still recommend to others."

Symptoms which improved after:  3 Days  - Insomnia, muscle tension, mood swing

Continues to wear La Balance

Sarah P - 51 years

Overview: "I started using it with an open mind. I started with bad dreams for a couple of weeks, not sure if this was coincidence! My night sweats seemed to reduce as did my sore boobs before my period was due. I didn't feel that my symptoms reduced enough though so I have since started HRT. I will still recommend this to others - one thing to note, the spare magnet is attached to the unit and I didn't realise this as I had never seen this unit before, so for the first day I was wearing 2 magnets, until one fell off."

Symptoms which improved after:  2 Weeks  - Night sweats, less heavier period, boobs not so sore

"I have worn La Balance since receiving it in June (it's now Dec 4th and I will continue wearing it)"

Emma - 43 years

Overview: "I have loved taking part in the trial and continue to wear. you forget your wearing it most of the time.Sometimes the magnet can have a tenancy to pinch you if not placed correctly and you move a certain way. Also, the small disc can fall off from time to time. I will still recommend this product to others "

Symptoms which improved after:  3 Weeks  - Brain fog, insomnia, mood swings.

Continues to wear La Balance.

Sarah M - 47 years

Overview: "Worked well for reducing night sweats and appeared to improve mood and food cravings reduced. The packaging was attractive and easy to open. Instructions Clear and easy to put into practice. Slightly lighter would be better to stop it pulling down on some underwear. Perfectly wearable on most pants. I will still recommend to others"

Main Symptoms which improved after:  2 Weeks  - Night sweats and food cravings.

Continues to wear La Balance.

Sandy - 52 years

Overview: "I was keen for it to work and am a proponent of alternative/complementary solutions so had faith however as mentioned I'm not sure what effect it had. I think there was some positive, whether that's placebo or otherwise?

My sweats increased significantly for around 2 weeks when I started wearing it, I don't think it did any harm but I'm unsure what effect it had. I will still recommend this product to others to try."

"I Wore La Balance for initial 30-90 days then had to remove for a medical test and consequently forgot to put it back in again. Not noticed any detrimental affects from leaving it off hence my mixed review"

Laura - 39 years

Overview: "The packaging was lovely and felt expensive. It was comfy to wear and I'd forget I had it on, but I unfortunately didn't notice a difference in my symptoms. The instructions were clear and easy to put into practice, however, I wasn't sure if it was completely positioned correctly."

Wore La Balance for 90 days.

Vikki - 49 years

Overview: "The packaging was attractive and easy to open. The instructions clear and easy to put into practice. After an initial significant increase in hot flushes within the first 2 weeks, they returned to the same as they were before using La Balance. I continued to wear it for another 2 weeks and unfortunately lost it down a compost toilet at a festival!"

La Balance was not worn for the recommended review period of 30 or up to 90 days as recommended by Sassy La Femme , therefore, no star rating included.

Helen B - 47 years

Overview: "I would definitely recommend giving this device a try. For me I only noticed an improvement in one area (moods) but it made a significant difference to my life. It is noticeable under some clothing. Packaging was very pretty with clear instructions and easy to put into practice."

Main symptoms which improved after:  2 Weeks  - "The main improvement for me was my moods - I feel more balanced"

Continues to wear La Balance.

Natalie - 45 years

Overview: "It didn't work for me. It also moved around on my underwear, so not always correctly positioned which was annoying. "

La Balance was not worn for the recommended review period of 30 or up to 90 days as recommended by Sassy La Femme , therefore, no star rating included.

Deborah - 50 years

Overview: "I feel it may have helped with a number of symptoms slightly but I'm a little skeptical as to whether the changes were because i had something to focus on which changed my mood as i wanted it to work. Would still recommend La Balance to others."

Symptoms which improved after:  8 weeks  - Period pain and night sweats have reduced.

No longer wearing La Balance.

Caroline - 53 years

Overview: "The packaging was attractive and easy to open, I love the velvet pouch it came in. I forgot it was there after a few days of wearing it. Just got into the habit of putting it back on every time I changed my underwear. Some symptoms improved, but to be fair, I'd started HRT about a month before the trial so hard to know what to attribute the improvements to. I con willtinue to wear the magnet and still recommend the product to others."

Symptoms which improved over few days to 1 week  - "Night sweats, hot flushes, anxiety..."

Continues to wear La Balance

Ronnie - 52 years

Overview: "On the whole I do not think it worked for me, apart from hot flushes abating for a few weeks, it has made little difference. For me it seems quite heavy for light fabrics, not practical if you do not wear nightwear in summer"

Symptoms which improved after:  3 weeks  - Initially hot flushes but only for a few weeks.

Wore La Balance for the review period up to 90 days.

Katie - 48 years

Overview: "I love it. Made me feel content. Happier. The packaging was discreet. Clear instructions and easy to put into practice. I do stick to my door handles a lot so perhaps it can have a stronger clip system. I will still recommend to others."

Symptoms which improved after: 3 weeks  - "Felt relaxed and tummy issues felt somewhat eased. A good feeling"

Continues to wear La Balance


Mel - 48 years

Overview: "Sadly it has not made any difference. I tried a break and went back to it but still nothing changed/improved. I found it quite clunky which makes underwear hang down but not really a problem if wearing trousers. "

Wore La Balance for 90 days.

Anna - 48 years

Overview: "After a little bit of research into magnetics I was keen to try this for myself, the helpful instructions made it very easy to start using straight away. After a few alterations with the placement of the equipment it was so easy and only took it off for bathing. My hot sweats were eased nearly instantly and my sleep pattern was much better. It was very nicely packaged - lovely colour and looked very expensive. Worth noting - I did stick to the shopping trolley and a table but it was so easy to wear, I will recommend to others "

Main symptoms which improved after:  3 Weeks  - Cramps and hot sweats were much more bearable.

Continues to wear La Balance.

Angela D - 47 years

Overview: "The packaging looks nice. Glitzy. Nice little bag to store it in. Clear instructions and easy to put into practice. It was easy to use. Not sure I felt any real benefits though,."

No longer wearing La Balance.

Carmen - 49 years

Overview: "The packaging was very cute. Instructions were clear and easy to put into practice. Unfortunately I lost it down a public toilet week 4 I wish the magnetic was stronger as this happened a few times at home but landed on the floor. Unfortunately I couldn't retrieve from the public toilet. I will still recommend to others."

Main symptoms which improved after:  2 Weeks  - PMS pain

No longer wearing La Balance as lost it.

Helen M - 56 years

Overview: "Mood became v low v quickly so I removed it. Have suffered from PMDD so this may have had an impact, I have had success from similar magnets so will keep hold of this and maybe try again in the future. The packaging was attractive and easy to open, Instructions were easy to follow."

La Balance was not worn for the recommended review period of 30 or up to 90 days as recommended by Sassy La Femme , therefore, no star rating included.

Gill - 48 years

Overview: "I wasn't expecting it to make much difference-but it did! The colours of the packaging were vibrant, very eye catching. Easy to open with clear instructions. "

Main symptoms which improved after:  2 Weeks  - "Sleeping better-less time awake in the night. Fewer hot flushes."

Continues to wear La Balance.

Aimie - 49 years

Overview: "Was easy to use and did help with some symptoms alongside supplements. It does show through my leggings. I'm still wearing it now, mainly through the night and when wearing longer tops etc - i will recommend to others."

Main symptoms which improved after:  2 Weeks  - Hot flashes and joint pain.

Continues to wear La Balance.

Buy La Balance

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